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Found 23133 results for any of the keywords manuscript submission. Time 0.008 seconds.
Manuscript Submission GuideEmail Submission: For normal processing send manuscript as email attachment:
BioMed Research- Connecting science to the ResearchersBioMed Research Publishers is a commercial STM (Science, Technology and Medicine) publisher of peer-reviewed, open access academic journals.
Research and Reviews - International Journals | Open Access | Submit MResearch and Reviews is using online manuscript submission, review and tracking systems of Editorial manager / tracking system for quality and quick review
My Dashboard - Manuscript Enginediv.nsl-container[data-align= center ] { text-align: center; }
International Open Access Journals | Peertechz PublicationsPeertechz International offers open-access, peer-reviewed journals in Science, Engineering, Technology, and Medicine, ensuring quality research at low publication fees.
IJLTEMAS - IJLTEMASGlobal Showcase Share your groundbreaking research with an international audience
Publication PoliciesEthics relevant to experimentation involving animals
Forms - IjohmrJournal makes it is mandatory for all the authors to send filled-in COPYRIGHT FORM and CONFLICT OF INTEREST FORM along with manuscript, through the Submission Portal. Journal holds right to dismiss a manuscript if it is
Author's Guidelines - IJASBTA peer reviewed International online Journal.
No TitleEmail Submission: For normal processing send manuscript as email attachment:
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